MeChat Universe can’t make any guarantees, however our 2025 cost-reduction estimates in 29 business areas are positive when using your business plan template to guide decision-making and strategy development.
Here are 30 specific cost-saving areas related to using your business plan templates, along with approximate savings:
Actual savings may vary based on specific circumstances, subscription, and the scale of the business plan.
MeChat universe is a decentralized education system that gives business planners the technology👾, training 👨🏻🏫, and support🚀 to start a business.
After planners successfully start a business they can offer their own courses online for how they did it.
The top business planners join teams as players. The most iconic team gets to lead the school system the following year as King & Queen Court of MeChat Universe.
We need you to be a honorable, intelligent, free thinking role model to the next generation of businessmen.
If you join add our club chapters to your adventure you cannot negatively represent our universe, gear, or business culture. All adventure club members must except our oath, “I pledge to uphold the values of MeChat Universe, committing myself to becoming the best version of me, a business scholar in MeChat Universe. When I represent MeChat Universe I am marked by honor, intelligence, innovation, family, countrymen, a higher power, and independent thinking. I solemnly commit to being a steadfast role model for my community, neighborhood, and the next generation of businessmen.”
Once Fantasy Sports Franchises are sold out, no new owners will be accepted.
Once conference seats are sold out, no new players will be accepted.
Get your ticket now or risk missing out on being part of the new Mechat Universe 2025 Business Plan Adventure, League, & Conference!
Write a business plan now to qualify for teams, fantasy play, learning aids, and the Royal Court. See you @ the Antonio James Bowl!
Learn everything it takes to start a business at your chosen level.
DECEMBER 4, 2025
Every business plan on your account will receive an evaluation at the end of each school year.
You will receive one business plan template for 12 months to access the education inside MeChat Universe. After your subscription ends, you can renew your tuition to plan professionally in the next business season or you have the option to auction off your business plan’s assets that you amassed during your learning experience. Thank you for learning in MeChat Universe, a financial literacy school designed to help guide entrepreneurs, like you, to financial wealth and to becoming better leaders.